Results 1 - 8 of 8

Peddle car

Accessories, Toys
19,50 €

One of my favourites. Old peddle cars. Used to be made in all sorts of shapes and colours. This one is designed and made by us for you. Its one of many to come. And it can drive.

Polar Bear (kit)

15,50 €

Polar Bear. To play with just as the goose. Thougth he might be a bit fancy

Brown Bear

15,50 €

Brown Bear. Based on steiff bears. Love his expression. He is so adorable.

This is something that you do not often see; sheep in a bed. This childs toy is great for the baby room

Toy Wagon

18,50 €

What a better option than a cart to transport anything that you want ? Bears, toys, and also brothers and sisters... The cart can also be driven !

Goose to ride (kit)

Accessories, Toys
18,50 €

Riding goose. A bit posh. But lets be honest.. every dollchild would love to ride one.

Ollie (kit)

14,50 €

Meet Ollie, the old circus elephant on wheels. These were great to see in the kids bedroom or on the cupboard

Brown Bear. Based on steiff bears. Love his expression. He is so adorable.


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