

My name is Marja Aneme-Langendijk, this year 45 years married with 3 daughters, 2 son-in-laws and two grandkids.

I am the one that makes the flowers you see on the Mini Vintage stand and website.  Everything started after Corina asked me to make the poppies that you see on most of the pictures on the website.

Now i make make all sorts of plants and flowers.

 Did you know that on the XL hortensia there are over 100 petals, and  that each one is individually made,  placed and glued?

Also the pea plants; each ball from around 1-2 mm is first painted and then little balls are placed  and glued onto a thread. This is a lot of work!

of course I will  try to continually create new mini flowes to add to the assortment. 

It sure keeps me busy ! But i love to make them.

 It's also possible to order on demand, if you have a special pot to be filled please contact me via Mini Vintage.

 Creative greetings, Marja


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