

With IDEAL is payment really simple. Choose the bank and pay in your trusted internet environment. Possible banks are : ABN AMRO, Rabobank, ING, SNS Bank, ASN Bank, Friesland Bank, Triodos Bank, RegioBank en Van Lanschot Bankiers. The payment will be processed immediately. Minivintage is a daughter company of TaraCC, a clothes and lifestyle shop. On all payments the company name 'TaraCC' will appear together with a reference number containing the company name 'Minivintage'.



To use Paypal you need to have a Paypal account. When you place your order, a popup will appear requesting your login credentials. Please follow the Paypal instructions and your order will be completed. For Paypal there are Paypal costs involved that need to be covered. This is calculated at 3% of the order.



In addition to IDEAL, Credit cards have been added. Please follow the instructions and your order will be completed. For Mastercard/Visa there are costs involved that need to be covered. This is calculated at 2% of the order.


If none of the payment methods work for you then please feel free to contact MiniVintage and we can provide potential other methods to complete payment.




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@MiniVintage, 2025 kvk 74705725 btw 1553.65.393.B.02