
Most of our kits are made using MDF (for lasercut), Resin for small items or PLA for larger items where fine detail is not needed. Many kits will include a combination of these. The following text provides more information about Resin/PLA and Lasercut.

Resin / PLA

3d printed parts (either PLA or resin) can leave a residue from the printing process which will need to be removed. This can be easily removed using a knife. Be very careful when cutting not to cut yourself or cut into the part itself. The parts can be very fragile.

Most of our resin/PLA items are created in an off-white colour unless otherwise indicated.


Small wooden kits are sold mostly in sheets with all parts cut out, but not removed from the sheet itself. In many case we use tape on the back side of the sheet to ensure that the parts do not fall out - this tape needs to be removed prior to assembly of the kit.  It can be the case that a part is not 100% cut out due to differences in the density or thicknesses of the products we use. Please use a knife to carefully remove these components.

The lasercut machines can leave an orange/brown residue on the surface of the cut material. This we remove where possible using a moist cloth (only with water), however it is not a problem to paint over this.  We recomend not further cleaning the items as this can lead to warping, discolouration or making ithe kit impossible to assemble.

Lasercut items will have an orange/brown/black burn line around the objects that have been cut. This is absolutely normal and can be painted over as needed.

Site Images

All images; photographs, drawings etc .; eg data concerning weight, dimensions, colors, graphics, labels, etc. on the website of MiniVintage are only approximate, are indicative and may not lead to damages or legal intervention. 


All production of MiniVintage designed items are performed in-house in the Netherlands with only a very few items (like hinges/special items) sourced from other suppliers. With too many orders at one time there can be delays in the production of the orders.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact MiniVintage


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@MiniVintage, 2025 kvk 74705725 btw 1553.65.393.B.02